Projects we’re proud of

Explaining what KM Communications does is often easier done through pictures rather than words alone. Scroll down to see a few of our favourite projects.

Care 24-7 Emergency Specialists

This fun photo shoot and social media campaign for Care 24-7 starred ‘ED’ and ‘IVan’ getting up to all sorts of mischief in the ED. The series brought seasonal cheer to hundreds of social followers.

Storytelling from the heart

We love interviewing people who are intent on improving the world. To help share their work, like that of Dr Carolyn Roesler, an Adelaide ED doctor who founded a charity in Ethiopia, is an honour.


We create impactful, fun and engaging social media tiles, reels and videos to highlight #PlantASeedForSafety’s inspiring mission to supercharge safety + save rural lives.

Pedare Christian College

With dozens of contributors, each with their own writing style and tone, editing the Pedare yearbook to read as the work of one author was a privilege and incredibly rewarding.

The Book Place - Mount Gambier

Making this reel (tap to view) was stacks of fun, with STACKS of books! We love the passion of small business owners and consider it a privilege to help bring their promotional ideas to life.

Australian Refugee Association

KM Communications was honoured to be commissioned to craft the wording for the Australian Refugee Association’s new website, with plain-speak English, clarity and a warm tone being important.