“Tell the story of the mountain you climbed. Your words could become a page in someone else’s survival guide.”

- Morgan Harper

A bit about KM

A proud empath, Kylie is an experienced communications specialist who thrives on helping people-focused and purpose-driven organisations to communicate with their audiences in a meaningful way.

Current clients span industries including not-for-profits, agriculture, hospitals and healthcare and education.

The commonality? They’re all wonderful people doing great work to enhance life for their fellow humans.

A heart for people

In previous professional lives, I enjoyed working with major national not-for-profits including the Leukaemia Foundation of Australia, the Red Cross Blood Service and Mission Australia, after having begun my career as a journalist in regional South Australia.

As National Communications Manager at the Leukaemia Foundation, I led successful media and donor engagement campaigns for the iconic World’s Greatest Shave and Light the Night.

Four years with Rural Business Support unveiled opportunities to give back to rural Australia where I grew up. Through drought, bushfires then the Covid pandemic, I led a small but dynamic team through an unprecedented chapter for producers and rural business owners.

In my spare time

When I'm not doing “real work”, I love hanging out with our boys, cheering from the sidelines at basketball and pretending I understand the world of competitive robotics.

Restoring outdoor furniture and pottering in our half-acre garden are other ways that I fill my proverbial cup. Winter is my absolute favourite season and I’m grateful when family snow adventures can happen.

I also look after the marketing for First Time 4WD, our family’s driving training business.